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Use of AI in Language Learning

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Ai (Artificial Intelligence) is a machine that is designed and created to perform tasks itself by using human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is designed to automate the works, it thinks and acts like humans. Artificial intelligence (AI) was used in many fields like self-driving cars,  suggestions from social media, shopping platforms, and translation. Concepts of automation were found before the 10th  Century BC, In Greek myths of Hephaestus and Pygmalion incorporated the idea of intelligent robots (Such as Talos ) and artificial beings (Such as Galatea and Pandora )  10th Century BC  Yan Shi Presented a mechanical man to the king Mu of Zhou dynasty in China. In 384 BC Aristotle described syllogism, a method of formal mechanical thought and theory of knowledge. Greeks and Egyptians are not only who imagined Artificial Intelligence and automation, in Ancient Indian epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata, but we can also see the theory of automation are made by the engineering god Vishwakarma and the sorceress, it may be similar to Greek myths like the god of technology Hephaestus.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automations are used for creating and developing educational tools like EdTech tools and software, it provides the students universal access to the teachers and students. AI and automation will provide global classroom accessibility for different language learners and help the students who have visual and hearing difficulties. AI can automate basic educational activities like providing homework, conducting tests, exams, and assessments. Educational software’s can provide and adapt to the student’s needs, for lower grades like kindergarten needs basic language learning and teaching software without AI   and for higher education, language learning tool must be advance, because students will have knowledge about what he learns AI will help them to develop language skills by using language pronunciation assessments and language tests. AI will tutor the language learners the AI can teach some fundamentals of language, although human tutors and teachers are best, it can be used to make trial and error learning process many students don’t have the idea why he was failing, AI was designed to check students activity and teach the errors and reason of failing. We can understand that AI can change the role of teachers, teachers must know how to use and teach through technologies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes the language learners learn digitally where the learners and teachers can personalize the learning method to the students. Machine learning algorithms will adapt to the learner’s behaviour, so the platform will be automatically changed to the user’s interest.


Machine Translations are created with Artificial Intelligence (AI), In 1954 the Georgetown IBM company experiments with Machine Translation, it successfully translated 60 Russian Sentence to English. AI is used to translate the word automatically by recognizing the typed or written text even the AI’s can recognize the words we speak using the Voice reorganization tool. Students can use the help of machine translators to translate a word or a paragraph, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will translate it with the correct message, and it can also recognize the sentimental statement and translate it accordingly. Artificial Intelligence translator will help the students to translate a word or phrase without the teacher’s help, students can easily access this translator by just typing the content in search engines and translation apps they translate for us. Artificial Intelligence in the Machine Translators helps language learning students, they can easily translate a foreign language using a machine.

Voice Assistance like Google Assistance, Siri, and Alexa will help the students to translate the content very easily, students just need to access the voice assistant software and ask the word or paragraph to be translated, it use the search engines or apps to translate it and read it for you, it will help differently-abled students to translate easily. If a student cannot identify the language they hear, they can use the voice-assisted  Artificial Intelligence t tool to solve, it uses the language reorganization software and language learning apps like Duolingo, AI use the speech precogitation algorithm to identify the spoken language and also convert voice to text for easy use.

Machine Translators are getting better than better every time, Artificial Intelligence was advanced the Machine Translators to the next level. Artificial Intelligence made Neural Machine translation possible (NMT) possible; this technology can maintain and manage a huge amount of data, which will help to reduce errors and speed up the translation process.

In a traditional translation and learning students must refer to the huge dictionaries for every language, it costs us much time but in the modern way of learning students just need to type or speak the word to get the translated meaning.

If a student wants to learn a foreign language, they can directly learn it with the native speakers, he/she just needs to use video conferencing software or apps to learn the language using the auto-generated captions. Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning is the best and better platform for self-learning, but the translation script made by the machine must be checked manually. Students can use the tools and plugins to translate, software like PowerPoint, word has inbuild translation tools.

Admin Tasks

Teachers spend more time giving homework, assessments, tests, and providing feedback to students but if a teacher uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) for administration tasks they can gain more time and students will complete their work regularly, it is easy to track the student’s progress. According to Ramesh C Sharma, Paul Kawachi and  Aras Bozkurt in their work “The landscape of artificial intelligence in open, online and distance education: Promises and concerns”, “AI in education, particularly in the distance and online education, where AI has enhanced efficiencies in institutional and administrative services.” (Kawachi and Sharma,2019)

Some programs reduce the burden on the teachers, it will provide a feedback forum to the students. In Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) teachers can create a platform for testing student’s ability or teachers can create an assessment for the student and make them answer, by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) the assessments can be evaluated and graded.

By using Intelligent Tutor System (ITS) admin tasks can be improved, the teacher can track student’s attendance and notify them, student’s test results, homework, and assessments can be posted on the platforms. If an educational intuition uses digital devices to teach their students, a teacher can maintain and track the student’s timeline. Teachers can also create a task for students and make them to complete it in time.

Exam and Answer Sheet Evaluation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be implied in exams to track the performance of the students in both online and offline, and teachers can get detailed analytics and evaluated answer sheet of the students. In the pen and paper exams teachers and students needs to work hard and need lots of manpower to conduct and coordinate offline exams, but we can also implement Artificial Intelligence in offline exams to monitor the students.

In Online exams students feel free to write their exams, online exams or remote proctoring can be conducted digitally for some exams university or educational intuitions design and developed the software with Artificial Intelligence (AI) to monitor the students every move, in this process AI will allow the student if he follows the criteria. Online exams conducted by AI will be safer than physical exams, the student must give access to his device’s camera microphone and device screen, so the AI can invigilate the student activities. AI will kick out the student if he malpractice in the online exam, it will monitor the candidate’s every move by using the camera, then it analyses the sound through the candidate’s device and it also analyses the screen and ensures that the candidate is not using the other tab. The AI will not allow other persons into the room, Students face must be visible to the camera then the surrounding must be quite because the microphone will detect the voice in that room if the candidates who were not following these rules he will be kicked out the software and his answer sheet will be submitted with the alerts.

Language tests conducted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are conducted using voice remobilization software and also conducted in written method, voice recognition method is more complicated and rarer, because every region has its own pronunciation. If a voice reorganization software was coded with Indian English this software can’t recognize Chinese English although it can be designed according to a certain area.

During Covid-19 Pandemic, many universities implemented this online exam method and trying to solve existing bugs in it.

Evaluating and correcting the physical answer sheet process is very difficult and painful for the teachers, manual method of correcting answer sheets takes more time, it takes a minute for each paper but Artificial Intelligence (AI) can make it in 12 – 15 seconds to evaluate an answer sheet. Ai can gain time and eliminates human effort to evaluate an answer sheet.

The manual evaluation will have errors because teachers will correct the paper with different mindsets and he can only correct limited answer scripts, a teacher working for 7-8 hours can evaluate only 450 to 500 answer scripts and they must complete it before the targeted date, this may lead to human errors.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can evaluate 5000 to 6000 answer scripts in a day and it can work all day and night. If a university or educational instruction use AI-based paper evaluation, it cost them less than manual paper evaluation because it is a one-time investment and we can also get updates regularly. The written answer scripts may be difficult for AI’s because some student’s handwriting cannot be recognized by the software, but it can almost recognize the clearly written letter and it can also evaluate typed scripts easily.AI will analyze the keywords and length of answers to evaluate the answer scripts.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will also reduce the time for releasing results, it automatically stores the marks of the student in the database and it can also publish results on websites or on the allotted platform.

Personalized Education

Personalized education or personalized learning is the method of learning where the instructional approach is given for the needs of each learner. According to the United States National Education Technology Plan 2017 “Personalized learning refers to instruction in which the pace of learning and the instructional approach are optimized for the needs of each learner. Learning objectives, instructional approaches, and instructional content (and its sequencing) may all vary based on learner needs. Also, learning activities are meaningful and relevant to learners, driven by their interests, and often self-initiated.”

By using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in personalized learning properly, the universities and educational instructions can teach the students according to their expectations and level of learning, so the educational instructions

By using AI in personalized learning, it can boost the engagement and results of the students, machine learning algorithms learn about the learner by analyzing how he/she uses the platform and performance in quizzes and tests conducted by the platforms. It gives the online source to the learners according to the specific language or subject to fill the gaps and achieve learning goals. Learner no need to spend more time to study language, the AI can personalize the content according to the learners, if the learner was good at grammar but he struggles at pronunciation skills so the AI will give more pronunciation lessons and assessments. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can automate content scheduling, the platforms using AI can schedule the coursework and delivery recourse by analyzing the tests, assessments, and simulation results.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) personalizes the learning platform by collecting data like time of using the platform, watching educational videos, reading texts, and performance in assessments. The instructor can also view the data and analytics of the student, then he can personalize the teaching method and giving additional or relevant study materials.

Universal Access

Artificial intelligence (AI) can give language learners global classroom access and it also helps differently-abled students. By giving universal access anyone can get remote access to world-level content if a student was in a rural area he/she wants to learn a language from different regions so the student needs to search for the teacher who teaches the language but  AI will grand the globalized level learning. Universal access can make the students to discover and develop their talents.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve student’s abilities like understanding, planning, communication, perception, and reasoning. By using an internet facility, it can connect us to different classrooms from different places, sometime the student cannot understand the foreign language so he can use the help of translators and auto-generated captions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help the students who were home tutored or dropped out due to financial issues, he can get universal access to the teachers and institutions all over the world at affordable cost and also some teachers are teaching students without charging them but the student wants to get the access of internet and specific software.

Outside the Classroom

Parents are struggling to help their children to teach them language and other subjects, the AI supports parents to teach their children when they struggle to do their home works and test preparations. Some parents don’t trust their children with their devices, so technologies help them to monitor the students and their devices, parents can install applications or software into their children’s devices and they can monitor the usage of the device and the children application using time will be noted.

Teachers and mentors have responsibilities outside the classroom and they can monitor every student. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be store more data than humans, the algorithms can provide suggestions to the students and it can determine the student’s progress, so the AI can redesign the method according to the student’s ability and their understanding level. Students and teachers can communicate easily and by using AI applications teachers can give homework to their students and it will give a detailed evaluation of the student’s contributions. There are many AI applications and software for educational use and also developers updating software including AI mentors. Teachers are engaged with their admin tasks and their administration works limiting their time spend with students, if the educational institutions install AI tools and software teachers can gain more time with students and also accompany with their home works outside the classroom. Student’s homework and assessments can be used to improve the class environment and teachers can update their teaching style according to the student’s capacity.

Inside the Classroom

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is mostly applied in every product and software used in language and other classrooms. For tutoring, AI can help both the learners and teachers to gain more learning and teaching time, if a student needs teaching time AI can grand tutoring to the student.

Virtual reality learning (VR) makes the learning process fun and interesting, students can feel the reality of the lessons through videos and 360-degree videos, they can understand the lip movement for understanding pronunciations. In other subjects like history, physics it can help them to feel the object and places without spending money.

In 2020, China started to used, study, and develop Artificial intelligence in a classroom environment they used a neural monitoring system to monitor the student is they listening to the class and how they feel during the class, this information will be computerized and analyzed by their teacher and the information shared to the student’s parents. They also started to use AI in surveillance cameras to monitor how many times the student’s yarn and how brisk they are in the classrooms. China uses robots in classrooms to get interactive sections and to monitor student’s health.

Projectors and computers are used in maximum educational institutions to teach the students using presentations, videos, visual aid education, audios, etc. As time changes, the institutions changed to smart boards, smart boards are one step more than projecting in the white screen, it is a touch screen and it has many AI-based software and tools in it.

Robust technology helps the students to attend the class without their physical presence in case of an emergency, they can attend the class using a personal robot with AI tools and make an interactive video like sitting in the classroom environment.

Individual Language Learning Using AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are developing and advancing the eLearning process in every subject. In many countries’ companies use language learning software to their employee’s language skills. Language learners can use the AI learning software and tools to study in their times, and they can study language anywhere. Adapting learners’ needs is one of the best features in AI language learning, those AI platforms offer language learning that allows the learner to work according to his expectations. Most of the learners fear about failing in the exams and assessments, but AI platforms won’t criticize the learners, instead of criticizing it helps the learner to improve their skills by pointing out the reason for failing the test and recommend the materials.

In the individual language learning process using Artificial Intelligence (AI) the students can develop their deep involvement in the language learning task because the learner can study a foreign language by learning from the native speaker, they can set their own goal and follows their own track of syllabus. AI will help us to improve our skills by conducting games, quizzes, and other activities.

Some of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with algorithms is designed to learn and calculating every individual learners’ capacity, vocabulary strengths, weaknesses and create a personalized study material. The algorithm can make smart and data-driven decisions and the AI can classify the data itself.

AI tools use for learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be accessed only through the specified platforms like applications, websites, software, and chatbots. In every platform, we can see the AI included chatbots that can understand many languages and translate them to the targeted language. Language learners are eagerly searching for the perfect platforms to learn new and additional languages.

For translation there are many tools, plugins, software, and applications, they are many applications that provide multi dictionaries like oxford dictionary in both offline and online,  Google is one of the best places to do all the things, in translation they use AI to understand the situation and sentiment of the words and translate it accordingly, in google docs we can use speech reorganization software to type and edit the document it can also translate the words and paragraphs. It is free and can be accessed through any device which has an internet facility.

Interacting with voice assistance like Alexa, Siri, and Google assistant, learners can practice their vocabulary with the AI-based voice assistant software. By interacting with this software, the learner can gain pronunciation skills. A learner can interact with the assistant and ask them to take notes and add tasks to their colander.

Language learning chatbot apps are designed and developed with Artificial Intelligence (AI)  the bots are used to interact and analyze the learner and the bot will get statics of our performance and teach us accordingly, apps like Monday, Duolingo, and Andy are chatbot app designed for language learning practice, these bots will tutor us and offer us the audio, video and text responses to improve our language learning 

These chatbots give feedback about our process of learning, this feedbacks are private, and it helps the students to identify the area they should focus on. Chatbots can be interacted and provides instant help, so these AI will help the learners to get the globalized level of learning and help when we are finding difficulties while learning.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in college devices like cameras, digital devices provided for students to study them, AI will send a detailed study about the student’s skills, character, listening and learning skills, speaking, and other activities. So, tutors and teachers can easily focus on the student’s needs and personalize the teaching method for the students. Admin tasks using AI will gain more time to spend with interacting students, AI will save time and cost of administrative tasks like evaluating papers, giving homework, conducting tests, exams, and evaluating papers and giving marks.

Plugins used in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and other learning software help the learner to grow their skills in both language and technical part.

Future of AI in Language Learning

Future is based on technological development, scientists and developers are developing EdTech to increase the educational level and trying to make everything globalized. In the future the teachers must gain knowledge about using software and AI, they must update according to the technological development. The AI will improve the teaching method, develop the classroom facilities, give access to universal learning and make it more interactive. These AI tools can be used for both self-learning and also used in a classroom environment.

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