

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the Software where we can create a website without using codes, there are many free themes and plugins to use but for professional uses, we recommend paid themes. If we look at the search consoles there are 85% of Websites are made by WordPress Software. It is the easiest platform for creating a blog, E-commerce websites,etc.,

In this post we are going to explain what is WordPress ,How we can use it and use of this software

How can I get it?

  • You can download a WordPress file from WordPress.org it’s completely free but you should have to host personally
  • Or you can buy WordPress.com from your hosting platform

What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Many of the users will confuse for wordpress.com and .org


  • It is an original and free source
  • You can do whatever you want in the .org platform you are the owner
  • Your site will not be shut down because there is no terms and conditions, we didn’t include any illegal activity
  • You want to buy a domain
  • Plugins should manually be installed
  • You should do updates and backups manually


  • This Platform is created by WordPress.com is founded .org’s co-founder and it’s easy to host
  • It is a paid platform
  • Updates and backups are automatic
  • There are some limitations for it
  • They can block our website if they find we are not following their terms and conditions
  • If you want a free WordPress website it has yourdomainname.wordpress.com on it

Which one is best?

Its users choice, if he wants to have full control of his website and he will manually do all the process and also wants free features he may choose .org

But if a user wants his website with the full automatic process he can choose .com,In this Present time maximum hosting companies give premium WordPress.com for free

Use of WordPress

  • E-Commerce Website-You can sell products through your website
  • Blog Site- you can write blogs and post news in your sites
  • Portfolio website – you can use it as a gallery or and sells your works
  • Business websites – You can create an online business or have a website for your business
  • Membership site- You can create a social platform or you can have a members-only website
  • Event website – You can create a website for your event to sell tickets , etc,.
  • E-learning website – you can have a website with contents and videos
  • Resume or Profile – you can create your resumed or profiles using the website
  • Wedding sites – you can create an invitation and play live videos

To Know about WordPress SEO

To Create Website

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